the message
The current American lifestyle is a mix of bad food, bad
drugs and bad habits that encourage the decline of the health of its people
and the planet we reside on. Big business has taken over as the arbiter
of what people should eat. The bottom line here is money. Don’t be
fooled. Look around and see all the unhealthy people.
How can America be the wealthiest and the unhealthiest
nation in the world? Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a host of other
maladies that plague this country are nonexistent in areas of the world
where people eat a plant based diet. The amount of resources used and environmental
pollution caused by the factory farming of animals creates a way of life
that is completely unsustainable. With the advent of refrigeration and the
invention of cellophane, the animal based diet the American people now practice
was created. This radical shift in diet in such a short period of time is
both unprecedented in the history of mankind and has proven to be a complete
failure. This relatively new paradigm of eating habits has been foisted
on the American people and the world for one reason; money.
Your health and the lifestyle you go forward with in life
are your responsibility. Take in information with an open mind and don’t
be fooled by those who are trying to reach into your pocket. This webpage
and the information provided here is intended to help improve the health
of all who read and implement the basic tenet of a whole food, plant based
diet. There are no marketing schemes or profit motives involved.
the theories
It has been my observation that by the time most
people reach their mid twenties, the lifestyle and eating habits practiced
at that time will be carried with them for the rest of their lives. We
are all creatures of habit. The best time to implement a change in lifestyle
is between the ages of 17 and 23 years old. It is during these years that
we are most open to new ideas.
I would like to dispel any notion that going down this
path is only meant for the purists. I’m living proof that being healthy
and enjoying all that life has to offer can go hand and hand. The trick
is to selectively pick your poison. Don’t fall into the trap of believing
that it doesn’t really matter since in the end one thing or another
is going to get you anyway. The logic of that kind of thinking falls apart
when you get sick. It’s a quality of life issue. There is no quality
of life when you feel lousy.
To understand this concept, let’s breakdown everything
you put into your body as either a food or a poison. The body uses up a
great deal of energy processing whatever is put into it. A food provides
your body with nourishment or the means to rid your body of toxins. A poison
can range from an actual carcinogen to anything that your body has to use
up energy to process so that it can dispose of. For example, when you read
the ingredients on a label of a processed food and you start coming across
things like preservatives, food colorings and words you can’t pronounce,
these are poisons.
There is a great need to be discriminating when it comes
to putting poisons in your body. Remember that there are already a number
of poisons entering your body everyday through the air you breathe and the
water you use. To add to these environmental assaults with items that are
easily avoided is folly. Being conscious of what is actually entering your
body is the first step in attaining good health. So, pick your poison, just
don’t pick them all.
to be continued…
Like life in general, this webpage and the goals it aspires
to are a work in progress. Any suggestions or comments are always welcome.
It is my belief that we truly are all in this together.